Sandy Acres Farm
Website: www.sandyacresfarm.net
This grower uses synthetic fertilizers and/or pesticides.
Sandy Acres Farm is a third generation farm that has been in operation since 1958. Our primary focus is on beef but we also offer pork and vegetables in season.
We pride ourselves on our high quality beef that are born and raised on the farm. Our Limousin and Black Angus livestock are not exposed to growth hormones, antibiotics, or animal by-product feed. During summer months they graze on pasture land, during the winter months they are fed high quality hay and grain produced on the farm.
Our lean pork is given the same care that the cows receive, producing and the highest quality product possible.
Our standards are high because we believe in bringing quality to your plate. We’re always changing and adding products so check our website regularly!! You might be surprised.